Friday 14 August 2009

Blackwell's Writers at the Fringe

Blackwell's Writers at the Fringe, Blackwell Bookshop, 53-59 South Bridge, 18.00 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th August (Free - Ticketed)

This event started off well. Free wine or orange juice to sip as you relaxed, lots of interesting people around the room willing to chat before the show started, wonderful.

The authors were interesting and engaging. They were all enthusiastic about their own particular genre/interest. Obviously, considering the popularity, there were two crime writers, but also, a poet and a Burns enthusiast. The final writer I saw got me so lost in listening to an ancient Scottish tale, that I almost missed my next show!

See that was where the problem lay. The event went over it's time limit and I would guess quite considerably. I left at 7.30, and they were no where near finishing. If you are going to this, then you really need to allow extra time for it. I was so disappointed that I had to leave and miss the last section.

The other issue I had with it was that Blackwell's staff were taking photos. This is somewhat distracting as an audience member.

Overall, if you like literature, go see. Really do.

My vote: 3*

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