Friday, 14 August 2009

The Moonfish Rhumba Show

The Moonfish Rhumba Show, Gilded Balloon (Venue 14) 22.45 5th- 31st August (£7.50 - £9.50)

What can I say that I haven't previously said when I saw Dirty Love? Moonfish Rhumba are pretty darned amazing.

An hour in their presence left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. They are just genuinely funny guys with a great set.

Last night's show was all about having a laugh in the traditional sense. There were gags, music and some possible improv. It was surreal, imaginative, clever and all of those other wonderful things you look for in a show. What had worked nicely in fifteen minutes at Dirty Love was pretty darned fantastic over an hour.

I don't want to gush, so I will talk about the negatives...

A couple of times there were problems with the microphone stands. This doesn't sound much, but when you have such a slick show, every detail counts, and for the stand to not be able to keep the mic in the right position detracted from that stage presence.

Also, the waving the arms in the air needed a bit more of an intro because the audience didn't seem to realise that they should get involved, so only 3 people joined in.

Overall, I think this is one of the best shows at the Fringe.

My vote 4.5*


  1. Have you actually seen any shows at the Fringe??? This show was terrible - two blokes dressed daft trying to be a poor man's Flight of the Conchords - my advice to you would be to get out and see some more shows!

  2. After 6 years at the Fringe, I have seen numerous shows. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I'm not the only person who gave Moonfish Rhumba a good review. They have a great set and perform well together. Perhaps this just wasn't for you, and that's fine. I hope you enjoy other shows that you see/have seen.

  3. These guys are terrible. I can only assume that you are actually one of them. In which case, sorry, guys, but give up!

  4. Actually, I have absolutely nothing to do with them. We did meet in the Loft Bar once, long after the review was done.

    Like I say, we are all entitled to our own opinions, we all have our own likes and dislikes, this is mine, and you disagree, which is fine. For example, I know of one show that receved both a 4* review and a 1* review. I didn't review that show myself as the guy is a friend of mine, however, it just shows that reviewers can have wildly different opinions.

    I enjoyed The Moonfish Rhumba Show and I stand by what I've said. It was intelligent and witty, and if that's not your cup of tea, so be it.
